WoW: UI post-overhaul thoughts so far
by Wuphon's Reach
My initial experiment with wMmap was interesting and it looked promising, but ultimate it got the server time wrong and had other issues. I may revisit it after Cataclysm if the author can work out the bugs. So I'm back to the default mini-map. But the addition of Minimap Button Frame which cleans up all the non-Blizzard buttons and shoves them into a small toolbar has been wonderful.
Some frames have been extremely easy to move with FluidFrames. Things like moving the character portrait, target and focus target are dead-simple. Then there's panels like the buff/debuff panels or the quest tracking panel. There's not a single "panel", it's a panel with lots of sub panels. For things like that, you have to go with a 3rd party add-on (such as QuestMover for the quest tracking area).
I shrunk the top panel artwork to the minimum size of (0.74), left the Blizzard mini-map in it's normal location, and have so far avoided dealing with trying to move the buff/debuff bar. So far, it works, it looks okay, and I don't have to track yet another add-on.

The chat panel is another sore spot. The default UI chat area works, but sometimes the background of the chat panel ends up behind the Sunn Art panel. At least until I interact with the scroll buttons on Blizzard's UI panel, at which point the chat background pops forward a few layers and properly hides the Sunn Art panel. It's a minor annoyance, and for now I'm going to live with it. I made sure to use a dark style (Royal for now) in Sunn Art, so it's not that big of a deal.

The real fun is then copying the local layout text file and all the proper LUA files where my add-ons are saving settings to the other character's folders. Since I have over two dozen alts, across four realms, this takes a bit of time.
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