WoW: wTaskNote status
by Wuphon's Reach
- creates the add-on
- sticks a button on the minimap
- sets some defaults and has a basic config box
- initializes our data tables with some dummy data if the user has nothing yet
- walks the table structure and spits out the contents
- displays a window that does nothing except appear/vanish when told to
Which sounds like a whole lot of nothing, but it lays groundwork for future functionality. Especially nailing down things like what the data is going to look like, how it gets stored, and doing it in a way that I can leverage Lua functions instead of reinventing the wheel.
Next steps:
- write the sorting functions (or rather, the compare function needed in order to tell Lua how to sort)
- verify that we can sort the data in the arrays without it getting jumbled
- test sorting by category name
- test sorting by note subject within each category
- start putting buttons onto a barren frame
- figure out how to construct and display the 2-level tree view
- figure out how to populate the edit side of the frame and save data after edit
- figure out how to insert new notes
- figure out how to delete notes
- test what happens if I have no notes, or no categories
- figure out how to delete categories
Then I get to fix things when Cataclysm ships later this year. I don't think much, if anything, will break in my add-on. But the underlying Ace3 libraries might need to be updated.
Update - revision 49
Here's what things look like as of rev #49 in the source code tree:

Simple, elegant, now I need to figure out how to fix the flaw with the icon in the upper left and how to lay in the controls. But it's a start.
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