WoW: wTasknote rev 55 (more buttons)
by Wuphon's Reach

Not happy with the title, but it will do for now. I'll have to get some folks to word-smith that.
This revision was mostly about moving the (3) buttons in the lower left to match up with the artwork. Yes, the "Delete..." button is wider then the others, no I don't care at the moment. (grin)
The basic design at this point is that you create a master frame (f), then create a smaller invisible panel (f_lowerleft) that stretches across the button area in the lower left. While not required, it does make it easier to layout the buttons and shows how you would prep for a re-sizable frame. This frame is only 307x26 and gets attached (anchored) to the bottom-left corner of the master frame (f). Button #1 gets anchored to the left edge of the sub-frame, button #3 gets anchored to the right edge of the sub-frame. Button #2 then gets anchored to the left/right edges of #1 and #3 at which point it automatically sizes itself to fill the gap between #1 and #3. That's why we do "b_new:SetWidth(1)" in the code, because the width doesn't matter if you use a pair of SetPoint() calls.
If that doesn't make sense... test out what happens if you screw up the SetPoint() lines for the b_new button. At one point, I screwed up the right-side SetPoint() and had the "New..." button stretch across the entire screen until it hit the right edge. That's because I anchored to UIParent by accident due to a typo. Another attempt and "New..." stretched all the way to the right edge of the control frame and overlapped the "Copy" button. In that case, I had my left/right mixed up and was anchoring to the right end of "Copy" instead of the left end.
I've been reading up on scroll frames - and it almost makes sense.
Goals for this week:
- Make the frame draggable
- Save the frame position
- Layout the right-side portion of the note frame
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