- I have about 55% dodge (in humanoid form) at level 80, by the time I hit 85 that will be down in the 18-20% range. The magic number for tanking at 85 is probably 18% for normals, 19% for the harder normals and 20% for the starting level heroics and 21-23% for raids. Give or take 1% either way. If you're below 20% in humanoid form, then you probably need more AGI/Dodge. The people saying "no problem" in heroics tend to have 21% dodge in humanoid form. Raid folks are saying get to about 21% in humanoid form (which is more like 30-33% in bear form).

- Haste always gets reforged to Dodge for bears right now. Hit and Expertise and Crit rate should probably not be reforged, unless you are below 20% Dodge. I'd sacrifice them about evenly, possibly a bit more crit before hit/expertise.

- Stack AGI/Dodge on a bear. Enchants/Gems should go for AGI > Dodge/Mastery > Crit > Hit/Expertise > Haste.

- Roughly 177 points in Dodge = 1% Dodge. It takes about 244 AGI to get 1% Dodge. But AGI also gives Crit/AP, so AGI is preferred over Dodge.

- Dodge is slightly better then Mastery for a bear, but AGI is top shelf.

- Some tanks (not just druids) are still Stamina stacking in Cataclysm. Healers are calling them mana sponges. All the health in the world won't help you if the healer runs out of mana. Some healers are even initiating vote kicks against tanks who stacked STA (gems). Avoidance is king again, at least for a day.

- Make sure you have a macro that you can tap to set the {skull} mark on a mob with a single key press. You can set a direct key mapping in Options, Key Bindings. Look down under "Raid Targeting". The zero key on the number pad is probably a good choice. With the "1" key as your {cross} (or "X") and assign the rest of the keys to the other symbols. While SRTI (Simple Raid Target Icons) or some of the other marking add-ons are good, sometimes a single key to slap a {skull} on a mob is better.

- One of the ways we used (in Burning Crusade heroics and raids) to non-verbally indicate which target was next when we had multiple mobs crowd-controlled (CC'd) was to change the star/square over to a skull. That lets the CC person know that they no longer need to CC the mob and that the tank is about to smack it. If you have a key/macro that you can press to assign the {skull} mark to the mob on the fly, this goes a lot easier.

- Discussion of cat/bear hybrid specs.