DF 0.43: Teyo Asada (423-426) Logemsamam
by Wuphon's Reach
Winter 423
Another two or three years to complete the outer wall and gates. Then I can position guard animals and consider opening up for migration. The grizzly bears have done very well at breeding and it’s time to start war training them.
Population: 16
- Lokum Muthkatedan, female b353 (age 70)
- Adil Oltaratol, male b335 (age 88)
- Melbil Bomrekuvel, male b360 (age 63)
- Inod Astolon, female b334 (age 89)
- Bembul Olonimaz, male b407 (age 16)
- Edem Abirfikod, male b356 (age 67)
- Aban Sedurushat, female b344 (age 79)
- Kivish Gembishamost, male b333 (age 90)
- Kib Amuddakost, female b403 (age 20)
- Etur Uzoluvar, female b329 (age 94)
- Thob Inethdodok, female b352 (age 71)
- Erith Vucarziril, female b353 (age 70)
- Erush Alakfikod, female b332 (age 91)
- Stukos Amostuzol, female b352 (age 71)
- Tobul Tadlokum, female b411 (age 12)
- Cog Ustutheral, female b421 (age 2)
- Edem Abirfikod (husband) / Aban Sedurushat (wife), with two daughters (Kib and Tobul) and one son (Bembul)
- Kivish Gembishamost (husband) / Erush Alakfikod (wife), with one daughter (Cog)
- Thob Inethdodok (female) / Erith Vucarziril (female)
Overview of walls

As can be seen, there is still a lot of above ground work to be done on the walls. For the outer walls, I’m allowing 11 open squares between the map edge and the wall. The inner five squares will be covered by the road to prevent trees from growing up. It also provides a road around the site for caravans to get to the two primary entrances.
There will be one entrance as the northwest corner and one at the southeast corner. Raising bridges will act as the gates for those two locations. I may eventually put bridges at the other two corners.
The river has been floored over to prevent something from swimming under the wall via the river channel. All bridges going over the river inside the wall will be raising bridges that retract to the north. That area south of the river is going to be kind of an outer courtyard.
The outer wall is planned to be 3-4 Z levels tall. The interior is 2-tiles wide, and the level above ground level will have shooting fortifications. It’s not ideal that shooting galleries are two-tiles wide (novice marksdwarves won’t shoot), but it makes it easier for dwarves to move around up there.
The outer wall will not be considered “secure” territory. It’s there so that marksdwarves can get a vantage point to shoot down on enemy armies. The wall section south of the river will be separate from north of the river. This is because the area south of the river may become the “kill-box” for invading armies. (Lure them in, shut the gates.)
I’ve started on the marksdwarf training range (just east of the main tunnel entrance) and I may even force invaders to path underneath it. Otherwise it will be setup so that dwarves in the training area can see the main entrance.
Summer 424
Erush Alakfikod has given birth to a boy, Erib Libadmeng. This is the couple’s second child within the past few years.
Winter 424
Bumbul (sone of Edem and Aban) has been killed in a construction accident. He was helping to assist in building a hospital for the fortress when he fell to his death. Efforts were made to recover and save him, but the doctors were not fast enough.
A slab will be engraved in his honor and placed at the entrance to the hospital.
Winter 426
At this point, I think I have enough war trained grizzly bears running around to deal with most issues, and I need the dwarf-power.
Raising the population cap to 35. After thirteen years, I’m not sure who we’ll get as migrants.
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