• EverQuest - Situational cleric humor

    From the message board: ... "Last night the group I was in lost track of whose turn it was to loot. I said,"when in doubt, let the cleric loot." I heard a round of "amen"s and the cleric happily looted =)" ...One of the commandments of EverQuest: "Thou shalt not...

  • EverQuest - A magician's hot keys

    Guess now that I've had to set my hot-keys up from scratch again (after moving to the new system), I should probably jot them down... (along with my reasoning behind the keys). Now, I don't know if it's because I have the Velious expansion that I get 10 hot keys...

  • EverQuest - Funny startup sayings

    You know that screen that appears where it loads all the textures? Well, I'm trying to collect all of the funny phrases that the developers have dropped in there (so e-mail me if you see one that's not on the list). Reminds me a lot of the odd sayings you'd...

  • EverQuest - A big bunch of Skinner boxes?

    EverQuest - A big bunch of Skinner boxes? (fun post)So what are you calling the new Luclin transport system? Top choice so far is the 'Nexus Express'.And of course my thread in the support forum (Muffled sound on Creative AudioPCI 64 ES1370) related to the muddy/muffled sound issues that I'm...

  • EverQuest - The Luclin Subway

    Yes, I got EQ back up and running last night, but I'll be running out today to pickup another 256Mb of RAM (since I want to see all the shiny new player models). So I'll be running 512Mb on a Pentium II 400Mhz with a GeForce2 MX 400 AGP 64Mb...

  • EverQuest - Guilding my first alternate

    My first alternate is a high-elf cleric named Corish and now that I've gotten him up to level 11 I decided it was time to get guilded so I could listen to the guild chat while playing my alternate. That, and it was time to let Fel in on the...

  • EverQuest - Time Warp

    (sung to the Time Warp)It's just a bump(wad) to the left,and then a wav to the right...you put your hands on your files,and pull your specs in tight...but it's the main patch server (up down up down)that really drives me insa-a-a-ane...let's crash to desktop again!(found it on one of the...

  • EverQuest - The quest for a fix

    Sigh, they've royally screwed up this Shadows of Luclin roll-out (and I'm not even going to install the expansion pack). They've 'fixed' things so that even classic EQ doesn't work on systems that it ran fine on until Monday's patch.Looks like I'll be off-line for a few days to a...

  • EverQuest - Elven Chainmail Armor

    EQTraders Secret High Elf SmithingWhy? Because my caster (a high elf mage) could wear this armor and a full set of Elven Chainmail only weighs 16.3lbs while provding 79AC (4.847 AC per lb). FYI, the ratio on banded armor (which my mage can't wear anyway) is only 2.578 (a full...

  • EverQuest - Avatars of the Ancients

    BTW, I got guilded a week or two ago (shortly after making up my short list of guilds). Since then it's been pretty hectic at work and I've not had time to sit down and figure out my thoughts on anything. Maybe soon (gotta finish moving my web server from...

  • EverQuest Guild Stuff

    Guild Guidelines and CodesDark Vigilance Guild CodeSilver Daggers CharterCrusaders of Drunken Might GuidelinesHeroesSapientia GuildAetherium CharterKnights of Arcane LoreRandom ActsElven EliteGuardians of TruthHosting a RaidAttending a RaidConsanguine Raid GuidelinesOrder of the Steel Rose - Common Sense Raid RulesMessage threads from The Newbie Zoneguilds - or why should I join a guild?Newbie...

  • EverQuest - my short list of guilds

    Okay, starting to think about getting guilded now that I'm coming up on my 2 month into EQ date. I've been looking for a list of guilds on the Morrel-Thule server and the best listing that I've found is Guild Magic. The following list of guilds is just my own...

  • EverQuest - so was I trained intentionally or not?

    That last visit to Dagnor's Cauldron still sticks in my craw for some reason, and I have yet to figure out if I was intentionally trained or if it was an accident and the player is an idiot. This happened back on November 4th after I had been hunting near...

  • How to Change a Lightbulb (EQ Style)

    Q: How many Warriors does it take to change a lantern bulb? A: None, Warriors aren't afraid of the dark. Q: How many Enchanters does it take to change a lantern bulb? A: Into what? Q: How many Magicians does it take to change a lantern bulb? A: Ten. One...

  • EverQuest - the death wish gang gets it's wish

    Last night was very educational, especially when it comes to 'you have zero chance against a mob that is 10+ levels above you'. My brother and I were cleaning out minotaur slavers in their cave in Steamfont when the Minotaur Lord popped at one of the slaver placeholders (spawn points)....

  • EverQuest - Jumped on the way to Steamfont

    For those of you who think it's okay to stop and smell the roses in Lesser Faydark (or to go look at the little gnomish buildings just inside the zone boundary), here is a reminder that there are some nasty things in those woods. I was simply on my way...

  • EverQuest - Timorous Deep Corpse Run

    Also known as 'the search for Qpdaj, the corpseless wonder', coming soon to a theatre near you...Not knowing exactly how this was going to work, I logged in early (before 6pm) to try and line up a bard to help us with our quest. There were of course, no bards...

  • EverQuest - The misadventures of Qpdaj

    Monday night was interesting to say the least. I had been trying to convince my brother to bring his character west to the continent of Antonica (even to the west coast of Antonica), along with trying to convince Charcon to come west as well (he's currently hunting on the east...

  • EverQuest - Hunting wisps for fun and profit

    Monday was a sick day, so I got to play from early afternoon onward (after I felt a little better). Soon after I logged in and was hunting wisps for fun and profit in Qeynos Hills, I met up with Lucita (Wood Elf Rogue, lvl 13) who was selling +2...

  • EverQuest - Blackburrow and a trip to Halas

    Sunday I was sick, so I didn't play much and wasn't in the mood for anything stressful when I did. I logged on and hunted in N Karana for a bit, then headed back to Qeynos to work on my first tradeskill (brewing) that I need to research a few...

  • EverQuest - Hunting in North Karana

    Well, events in Norrath have been very busy these past few days, but I'll try to touch on the high points (and the low points). I spent most of the weekend in the Karanas hunting for either experience or for pelts (more on that later). On Saturday evening, the drunken...

  • EverQuest - My return to Blackburrow and a visit to North Karana

    It's been payback time in Blackburrow the past 2 nights. Both evenings, I've teamed up with another level 15 or level 16 player and cleaned out the room that got me killed last weekend. In fact, I met a level 15 rogue who managed to clean the 'Elite' room by...

  • EverQuest - yes it's getting more challenging

    I don't think my brother understands that I did think it was humorous that I died deep in the depths of Blackburrow by biting off more than I could chew (2 greens and 2 blues). But there's also the challenge aspect of EQ, some situations are difficult and very rewarding...

  • EverQuest - Magician Research, other links

    Playing a Role - By Mardyrn of Tarew Marr - Brief essay on how to role play.Spell Research Trade Supplies - What and where to find them.Practice Research Quests - How and what to create practice runes.

  • EverQuest - Visiting and Dying in Blackburrow

    So begins the more difficult phase of a magician's life when they have to start researching spells (and gathering the components which will be random drops off of critters my level or higher, oh joy). That means I'll need to do a lot of hunting tougher critters (which means exp,...

  • EverQuest: Hunting Wharf Rats on Kerra Island

    DING! 15 DING! 16 - yeah, now I can get my level 16 spells! It wasn't the most exciting way to gain two levels, but hunting the wharf rats on Kerra's Island gives good experience and a faction increase with the local residents. Okay, make that a very tiny faction...

  • EverQuest - Hunting wisps in Erud's Crossing

    DONG! 13 DING! 14 - it's not a good thing to pull a pair of willowisps on Erud's Island and then go link dead before you can direct the battle (plus I was backing up at the moment I went link dead, so my mindless body kept walking backward until...

  • Everquest Tips

    Allakhazam's combat tips - Good intro to group fighting conceptsShane's EQ Group Strategies - More advanced group tacticsEQ'Lizer - Picking the class that's right for you - self-explanatory

  • EverQuest - Hunting wisps

    DING! I made level 14 last night, soloing willowisps on the island in Erud's Crossing (between the continent of Odus and the continent of Antonica). I also looted 7 Greater Lightstones (GLS) that can be turned in for a quest in the Northern Plains of Karana, I should end up...

  • EverQuest - From Steamfont to Toxxulia Forest in one jump

    First, some random quotes..."Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle, and quick to anger." -- Sam, 'Lord of the Rings' (yes, I found the quote's source)But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."I've got starfish down my...

  • EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 12

    Uggh, I'm not sure if it was my computer or something between me and the EverQuest servers last night, but I went link dead 4 times in the space of an hour (I'm going to try again in a few minutes to see if it was a temporary problem or...

  • EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 12

    "Do not meddle in the affairs of magicians, for they are subtle, and quick to anger." Took my first boat ride to the main continent of Antonica and back over the weekend. Charcon had this idea that the two of us could travel to the Desert of Ro or the...

  • EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 12

    Yeah, made it to level 12 today. Spent some time soloing before teaming up with Charcon again in order to get up to lvl 12. Level 12 is pretty important for a magician because we get the "Bind Affinity" spell which allows us to set our "home point" (the spot...

  • EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 11

    Last night was pretty close to power leveling. I started the evening as a level 9 and made it to within 1 bubble of level 12 by the time I logged off. The key to this was being in a group with 2-3 other players over by the Minotaur Caves...

  • EverQuest - Vorish of Morell-Thule, High Elf Mage lvl 8

    So how did I get down to Ak'Anon in mostly one piece. Well, it was a chance opportunity that I suddenly found a traveling partner (a little gnome called Charcon, level 8 Wizard) who was pining for his homeland back in the Steamfont Mountains. I had been spending a few...

  • EverQuest - Steamfont Mountains (Faydwer Continent)

    I'm getting ready to explore the Steamfont Mountains and Ak'Anon and I found it to be very different than Greater Faydark (where it's always misty or overcast) or Lesser Faydark (where it's pretty much just dark). The sky colors were overwhelming when I first saw them. (I'll explain later how...

  • EverQuest - Greater Faydark (Faydwer Continent)

    Just some screen shots that I took last week while wandering around Greater Faydark. Hold your mouse over the thumbnails to see a description, and click on the thumbnails to see a full-screen view.

  • EverQuest, Why and How?

    So why EverQuest as my latest gaming interest? Actually, it's because PvP mentions it in their storyline every so often (see today's strip for an example). My rationalization for allowing myself lots of hours to play it is that since it's a real-time role playing game with dozens or hundreds...

  • EverQuest - Vorish, High-Elf Mage Level 7

    Yea! level 7 at last (of course, if I keep dying at the current rate I'll be back down to level 5 in no time). Still, given the fact that I hadn't played EQ since Sunday means that I'm not doing too bad, but I may be left behind by...

  • Everquest Vorish High Elf Mage Level 6

    EverQuest - Vorish, High-Elf Mage Level 6 Last Sunday I got killed because I was adventuring by myself along the path from the orc lift to the orc camp in Greater Faydark. I had already taken on and beaten a Orc Centurion and an Orc Pawn and the next mob...

  • Everquest Vorish High Elf Mages To Do

    EverQuest - Vorish, High-Elf Mage's to-do list Head back to Felwithe for a shopping trip: - pickup a Gate spell - pickup a Summon Wisp spell - pickup a Summon Bandages spell - price a good 1h blunt weapon and a good 2h blunt weapon - go to guild master...

  • EverQuest - High-Elf Mage Level 5-6, 1st group

    Level 5 was starting to turn out to be a hell level (a level where you can't seem to find enough things to kill to get experience without getting skewered yourself) and I was solo camping on the path to the orc camp in Greater Faydark (about halfway out) attempting...

  • EverQuest - High-Elf Mage Level 5

    Yes, made it level 5, time to start traveling further afield. One of the things I must remember not to do is attack faeries or pixies (not worth the faction hit). Orcs already hate elves, so I really don't have a lot to lose (other than getting designated as "kill-on-sight"...

  • EQ - High Elf Magician, Day 1

    First day on the job and almost made it level 4 (came this close). As a lowly level 1 mage, it's definitely a good idea to stick within running distance of the gate guards for when you pick on something just a little too big (and everything is almost too...